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Nino Film Blog | March 29, 2025

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My new $30 Canon zoom lens (VIDEO)

My new $30 Canon zoom lens (VIDEO)
Nino Leitner

Recently got my new Canon zoom lens for $30 on eBay. Check out the video.

It’s not $30 anymore unfortunately, but there are still some offers on eBay.

Here’s the expensive but essential 24-70mm f/2.8 lens:

The song in the end of the video is the theme song from Austin Powers: Mini Trio - Dance Hit Mix, Vol. 3 - Soul Bossa Nova (Austin Powers Theme)


  1. Peter Hainzl

    Yah, let’s throw a L Lens Party 😉

    LG Peter

    • Haha Peter, thanks for that, haven’t seen it yet


  2. markus

    haha, you got me for a few seconds 😉

  3. goldbauch

    haha. bitch. ich hab’s in original. und die kaffeetasse kenn ich nur als 70-200er. =)

  4. Oreste

    ehehehe i thought “where the heck this guy managed that lens for almost free?”..


  5. Adriano


    Which is the name of the song at the end of the vid?

    BTW great vids.

    Best regards!

    • Hi Adriano,

      Thanks so much. Check above, I added the iTunes link to the song.

  6. ahaha! You got me Nino…

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