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Nino Film Blog | March 24, 2025

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IBC 2011 coming up

IBC 2011 coming up
Nino Leitner

My apologies for the lack of blog posts lately, but the weeks after our Cam Busters workshop tour have been filled to the brim with work and therefore I’ve been too busy to do anything else. A round-up blog post about the Cam Busters tour will be posted in the coming days.

IBC 2011 in Amsterdam is around the corner. Right after NAB, it’s the most highly anticipated professional broadcast event of the year. It’s Europe’s NAB, so to speak.

Now that Sony has announced a range of new “DSLRs” that finally seem to get a lot right on the video side (A77, NEX-7 and NEX-5N), finally some movement has come to the DSLR filmmaking arena again. Will Canon finally announce the long-awaited successor to the 5D Mark II, a 5D Mark III? What does the competition have in store for us? I don’t know. We will see …

I will be attending IBC 2011, spending most of my time at the Sachtler booth, presenting something VERY exciting and new. I can tell you only as much as the Sachtler PR announcement already told you: It’s a new tripod system for lower weight cameras that I’ve been testing over the past few weeks.

I’d be very happy to meet many of you guys and show you this new product (which I think is pretty awesome) first hand! My buddy Sebastian Wiegärtner will be with me at the Sachtler stand.

There is one great socializing event on Saturday, the DSLR Meetup on Saturday evening (September 10th, 2011). You guessed right, that’s another one of Philip Bloom’s famous (or infamous?) get-togethers for filmmaking enthusiasts. Be sure to stop by if you are in town. A relaxed evening of talk and drinks. All details can be found on the dedicated Facebook event page.

I will also attend the “Supermeet” of the Final Cut Pro User Group on Sunday. I doubt there will be news from Apple regarding Final Cut Pro X, but we can expect the first series of plug-ins for the controversial new editing app.

Last but not least, check out these few very impressive stats about IBC sent to me by Quantel. It has grown tremendously over the past decades!!


  1. I wanted to come but didn’t found an affordable (for a student) room for a night so I won’t be able to be there.

    Have a good time there.

    • Yes, I was also surprised at how incredible expensive hotels in Amsterdam are! Vegas is a real bargain in comparison!! Sorry you won’t be able to come.

      • anyway let me know when you’re somewhere in east germany next time… would be cool to meet you one day

      • Will do Sebastian!

  2. Phil Yisrael

    I live in Amsterdam so I’m happy to avoid those hotel prices 🙂 I’m hoping to visit IBC so I’ll be sure to stop by Sachtler and say hi.

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