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Nino Film Blog | March 26, 2025

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Zürich: Screening of “Every Step You Take” & panel discussion on “data protection & the surveillance state” TODAY

Zürich: Screening of “Every Step You Take” & panel discussion on “data protection & the surveillance state” TODAY

Just a quick event update about an event I am attending tonight in Zürich, Switzerland:

My 2007 documentary “Every Step You Take“, which deals with the massive amount of video surveillance in the United Kingdom in a critical way, is being screened by the Pirate Party Switzerland in Zürich, followed by a panel discussion on “data protection and the surveillance state”.

Everyone is welcome to attend, here are the details:

September 22nd, 2011 – Doors opening at 19.00, film screening starts at 19.15, panel discussion starts at 20.30

Kanzleiturnhalle, Kanzleistrasse 56, Zürich
Here’s the Facebook event:

The full panel will be comprised of:

Daniel Beckmann (Town Police Winterthur)
Michael Gregr (Pirate Party Zürich)
Nino Leitner (Director documentary „Every Step you Take“)
Mauro Tuena (local council member, SVP, the conservative party in Switzerland)
Daniel Vischer (MP, Green Party)
Sven Zimmerlin (Town Police Winterthur)

Stop by if you want to see the film for free or are interested in the topic! While my film is English, the panel discussion will be held in German. (Probably not Swiss German, although I am the only non-Swiss on the panel, but I don’t understand much of the Swiss dialect.)

I have attended many discussions about the topic after my film was screened at 14 film festivals, got regular cinema screenings in Austria and was broadcast on TV channels in Canada and Hong Kong. Now it’s the first time in a while I will revisit the topic. With the new Conservative government in the UK, only little has changed about the omnipresent video surveillance, but at least they said they wanted to restrict it more. That’s a first!

As in many other places, there is a discussion in Switzerland about surveillance of public places going on. It’s an ongoing discussion anywhere, and there are no simple answers. If you want to learn more, come watch my documentary (which is available on Amazon UK and US as DVD, in the US also as a stream, or via direct order from anywhere else), or read my free extensive (German) diploma thesis on the topic – here’s the PDF.

Other than people interested in the topic – if any DSLR shooter freaks are around I am happy to go for a drink after the discussion 🙂

Sorry for the late announcement!

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