“The Indian” – comedy feature (short film version)
A few weeks ago I was involved in the production of the promo trailer (more a little short film, really) for a comedy feature called “The Indian”. It’s a movie about clichés in movies, and heavily quotes scenes from famous (and less famous) films in an entertaining way. Written & directed by Chris Foessl, who himself is heavily involved in product placement marketing in Hollywood blockbusters and really “knows the game” of it all.

Katharina Dietl (1st Assistant Director), Nino Leitner (2nd camera operator) and Alexander Boboschweski (Director of Photography) on the set of “The Indian” trailer shoot.
I was 2nd camera operator alongside my friend Alexander Boboschweski, aka “Bobo”, who’s the director of photography and Steadicam operator.
Watch the clip here:
Here’s the behind-the-scenes of our shoot:
Read the synopsis and motivation, written by the director & producer:
A clumsy young Indian gets kicked out of the apartment of his girlfriend. Trying to win her back he starts to search for a job. Things however do not go exactly according to plans and he has to get inventive in order to get rid of the two ruthless Gangsters, Police and that Secret Agency that’s after him due to a series of unfortunate coincidences.
We all love those classic American comedies that have become very rare nowadays, like The Jerk, The Party, Vacation, Airplane, The Naked Gun, or Bowfinger, just to mention a few. Film has always been about entertaining the audience to us, which is why we decided to put a variety of hilarious scenes and funny characters together in order to make you cry of laughter and maybe even wet your pants. – That would make us very happy indeed!
We plan to shoot the feature film next year, but funding is of course necessary, because a project like this has no chance of getting public film funding in Austria (too “commercial”). The feature will be shot as economical as possible, making best use of the funds we get. Funding will be brought in through sponsors and product placement.
I will keep you posted on how the project is proceeding.

Amazed by the props and actors on “The Indian” trailer – we even had a replica of KITT from “Knight Rider” on set.

Katharina Dietl (1st Assistant Director), Nino Leitner (2nd camera operator) and Alexander Boboschweski (Director of Photography) on the set of “The Indian” trailer shoot.

Stupidly rigged up C300 to the max – simply to try out some stuff we always wanted to try out (external Gemini recorder, for example)

Nino Leitner in the middle of the cheerleader parade, disguised as a tourist, with the Sony FS700 for slow motion shots!

1st AC Alois Kozar Jr. & camera operator Nino Leitner rigging up one of the Canon C300’s on the big camera crane.
Hi, Watch my first short venture “Go Green”. its very nice and unique when compared to other short videos..dont miss..
If its worth to watch it..why to wait..share among your friends..
Kindly give the feedback After watching…Thank you..Video Link = “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVTQtuMzOX8”
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