Speaking at Russian Forum for Videographers in Moscow
I am going to speak at a the Eighth Forum for Videographers and Photographers (ВОСЬМОЙ ФОРУМ) in Moscow, Russia, on Monday, October 7th, 2013. I am speaking on behalf of Sachtler, the tripod manufacturer I trust in – but the content of my presentation will be my work and how I apply the tools that manufacturers like Vitec Videocom (the mother company of Sachtler) provides.
I am very excited as this will be my first time in Russia and I am really looking forward in meeting a lot of new faces at this Forum next week.
To find out more and to sign up for it, please head over to the official website here. Be warned, it’s cyrillic and therefore impossible for me to read, but Google Translate did some wonders for me too
See you in Moscow and увидеть вас там! (see you there)