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Nino Film Blog | March 29, 2025

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Shadows & Light – 2-day Filmmaking Event in Brighton, UK in March

Shadows & Light – 2-day Filmmaking Event in Brighton, UK in March
Nino Leitner

I’m happy to announce that I will be one of the speakers at a wonderful 2-day filmmaking event in the coastal town of Brighton, UK from March 23-24 next month!




This is really a one-of-a-kind type of event because I am proud to be speaking alongside my dear friends and industry icons Philip Bloom, Vincent Laforet, James Miller, Ollie Kenchington and the super-talented VFX-turned-director whiz kid Haz Dullul, who I was happy enough to interview some time ago (interview as part of the cinema5D series ON THE COUCH – this episode was just published). Other speakers to be added to the agenda soon.

It’s hosted by Fraser MCGruer and is one of the first events of this caliber in Europe – so I am really excited for this to happen, and there won’t be anything like it in the near future again. Philip is also co-organizer of the event together with Fraser, and it was Philip’s aim to host such an event in the UK for a while (which can be compared to the terrific Masters in Motion in the US).

Tickets for the two-day event are available for £550.



The first day will be mostly presentations about various topics related to modern filmmaking – check out the full schedule here.

On the second day, I will host mini workshops together with Philip Bloom and Vincent Laforet. See below for the exact agenda of that day. I will be covering advanced interviewing techniques and setups, and teach how to get the best look, the best sound and also the best answers out of every interview shoot!



The whole event takes place at the Duke’s Cinema at Komedia in Brighton, a beautiful arthouse cinema in the middle of the popular bohemian North Laine district.

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  1. Wow! That’s The Ultimate workshop!

  2. Would love to join, although I am not filming

  3. Epic!

  4. Join in, Apostolos, Tony & Ron 🙂

  5. Would love to Nino but Philip couldn’t handle me for a second tine. LOL I have attended one of Vincent’s classes as well. Great guy!

  6. Would love to but the schedule is too busy at the moment! I’m sure it’s going to be one of a kind though..!

  7. Heading to Brighton from Holland!! Let’s goooooo

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