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Nino Film Blog | March 1, 2025

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Posts By Nino Leitner

Canon EOS C100 announced – finally, the Sony FS100 gets a real competitor – or does it?

August 29, 2012 | 14
Canon just announced the Canon C100, its long-awaited entry level camera into the cinema market. It shares many of the traits with the C300, which I…more...

“In Rod We Trust” -My take on Zacuto’s “Revenge of the Great Camera Shootout 2012”

August 26, 2012 |
Zacuto has recently released the third and final part of its "Revenge of the Great Camera Shootout" web series. It's a sequel to its 2011 shootout t…more...

Free mini workshops at IBC 2012 at Vitec Videocom & G-Technology stands

August 24, 2012 |
IBC 2012, Europe's largest broadcast convention, is around the corner. As usual, it will take place in Amsterdam in September, 7th-11th to be exact.…more...

Filmmaking is storytelling – learn from one of the best: Andrew Stanton (a TED talk)

July 30, 2012 |
I just came across this hugely inspiring TED talk by Andrew Stanton, writer behind the hugely successful "Toy Story" trilogy, writer/director of "WA…more...

Music video: Atomique / P.tah / Con feat. Testa – “Livestream”

July 8, 2012 | 3
This is a music video I recently shot for my old friend Martin Unterlechner aka Moschmuda, who directed and edited it. His label DuzzDownSan is spec…more...

Headphone Review: Bose QuietComfort 15

June 28, 2012 | 6
As shooters who sometimes work as one-man bands, we are all used to wearing headphones to check sound levels. Being very visual people by nature, a …more...

A look back: Las Vegas & Key West Filmmaking Masterclass 2012 – all the films & behind-the-scenes impressions

June 15, 2012 | 1
[caption id="attachment_3442" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Follow the Filmmaking Masterclass Vimeo channel to see all the films that were crea…more...

Just say NO to vertical videos

June 9, 2012 | 8
This is an issue I have come across MANY times with amateur shooters who are mainly using their phones to shoot video - they shoot vertical videos a…more...

RSC Raiffeisen Service Center GmbH – Corporate Film

June 8, 2012 |
This is a corporate film that Nino Film e.U. produced for RSC Raiffeisen Service Center GmbH in Vienna. RSC is the back-office services provider…more...

Filmmaker Interviews, part 1: Matthew Jeppsen – DP, filmmaker, maker of FreshDV & fashion brand Della Luce

June 7, 2012 |
This is the first part in a series of ongoing interviews with filmmakers that make a difference for others by contributing to the online community a…more...