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Nino Film Blog | March 22, 2025

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Canon EOS C300 – Review & short film

December 9, 2011 | 123
Check out our C300 test short "13:59" above. Here's the new great BTS from Peter Hainzl. Thanks so much! ... and here's another NEW behi…more...

Shooting interviews with big film stars … the challenges

November 27, 2011 | 18
Over the past months, I have been given the chance to so something quite ordinary with extraordinary people: shooting interviews for TV and other medi…more...

Magic Bullet Looks for Final Cut Pro X soon ready to be released … and some thoughts on FCPX

November 9, 2011 | 16
Red Giant software was busy developing a version of their very popular Magic Bullet Looks suite for Apple's controversial and not-yet-quite production…more...

Automatic Duck plug-ins now available for free!

November 7, 2011 | 1
In case you missed it, I wanted to let you know that the incredible Automatic Duck plug-ins are now available for free. Automatic Duck supplies plug-…more...

RED announces SCARLET X, totally blows Canon C300 out of the water

November 4, 2011 | 7
Every now and then, a disruptive company comes along that just does what everybody was hoping for - simply because it could be done - and thereby disr…more...

Canon developing EOS 4K DSLR – concept revealed

November 4, 2011 | 2
To confuse matters after today's Cinema EOS / Canon C300 (1080p camera) revelation further, Canon just announced it's developing a yet-to-be-named DSL…more...

Canon EOS C300 introduced! First Canon S35 camcorder

November 3, 2011 | 8
Canon announced their long-anticipated new EOS C300 Super 35mm video camera. Finally Canon is directly aiming at professional video production with …more...

Support short film “Project Homophobia” with me as DP, help putting an end to bullying against gay teens

October 18, 2011 | 1
Gregor Schmidinger is the director of "The Boy Next Door", a short film that garnered a whopping 2 million views in less than 3 years. Incredible succ…more...

Steve Jobs †. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

October 7, 2011 | 3
With great sadness we all have learned of Steve Jobs' death at the age of 56. He was my one true idol since I was a kid. I have never used anything el…more...

Finally! The looming EF Mount Adapter Wars – Birger, MTF, Redrock

September 27, 2011 | 15
In case you started building up a collection of great Canon lenses after you purchased your video capable DSLR, and later decided that it’s probably…more...