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Nino Film Blog | March 30, 2025

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Carl Zeiss Lenses at NAB Show 2013

April 26, 2013 |
I shot this video for Carl Zeiss Lenses at NAB 2013 for Wiegärtner GmbH, who also edited the film. It's about Zeiss's new offerings in the cinema…more...

TRAILER for Sony F55 music video

April 25, 2013 |
Tomorrow, on April 26th, I will finally be able to share our extensive F55 test and review with you - it's a music video for the new artist DEJA and t…more...

NextWaveDV’s blogger’s breakfast at NAB 2013

April 21, 2013 |
First of all sorry for a recent lack of posts on this blog, I've been ultra busy, there is A LOT of new stuff to follow over the next week, so please …more...

NAB 2013 schedule

April 5, 2013 |
NAB 2013 is just around the corner, and it's every filmmaking technology geek's most important annual event. Apart from all the amazing new gear that'…more...

Litepanels ENG Sola Kit Review

March 13, 2013 | 4
Traditional daylight balanced lighting solutions are hot HMI lights or Kinoflos with the appropriate tubes. HMI's deliver beautiful light, they are ex…more...

Canon EOS 1DC test short “Hyber Nation” & review

February 5, 2013 | 11
We recently got the Canon 1D C here at our shared Vienna office (together with Sebastian Wöber and Johnnie Behiri) from Canon Austria to test. It's a…more...

Mach4 Men’s Chorus Flashmob (promo video)

January 28, 2013 |
The Austrian Mach4 Men's Chorus celebrates its 150th birthday this year, and for that occasion they decided to stage a flashmob, a seemingly spont…more...

Audi – Interview with rally legend Walter Röhrl

January 14, 2013 | 3
I was hired by my friends at LOOP New Media to shoot a high-profile interview with German rally legend Walter Röhrl at the Vienna Autoshow 2013. The …more...

Zebra Technologies – Customer Case Study

January 9, 2013 |
Last summer, I was contacted by the UK agency ID2 Media to shoot their customer case study for their client Zebra Technologies, which provides mobile …more...

VBag Philip Bloom Edition Video Review

January 9, 2013 | 2
I first encountered VBags through a friend and colleague of mine, and it immediately struck me as an intriguing idea and concept. VBag stands for Vacu…more...