Epic DSLR Viewfinder Review Part 5: Essential DSLR accessories
July 1, 2010 | Nino Leitner 92
Jump to other DSLR viewfinder reviews:
- Letus Hawk VF Review (& comparison to Z-Finder)
- DigiFinder.pro Review
- Varavon Pro Finder DSLR vie…more...
Tester13’s GH1 firmware hack – first user impressions plus before / after footage comparisons
June 14, 2010 | Nino Leitner 24
As many of you already know, somebody by the name of “Tester13” has released an incredible firmware hack for Panasonic’s GH1 camera that enables…more...
On set of Lucasfilm’s RED TAILS & meeting Philip Bloom
June 6, 2010 | Nino Leitner 17
Last week I returned from a week-long assistance job for Philip Bloom on the set of Lucasfilm’s new feature film production RED TAILS. Philip is 2nd…more...
Short film: “Construction Waltz”Up in the Air with Canon T2i/550D
May 15, 2010 | Nino Leitner 50
Recently a prospective client in the construction business gave me the chance to take a spontaneous swing on a huge construction crane with my Canon…more...
HD video with DSLRs – The good, the bad and the ugly.Part 1: the bad & the ugly
April 17, 2010 | Nino Leitner 24
We all have come to love the video image delivered by our DSLRs. The shallow depth of field is something that was only attainable with so much effort …more...
A MYSTERY resolved: Depth of Field, Aperture & ND filters
March 29, 2010 | Nino Leitner 51
Essential kit for your Canon T2i/550D if you're on a budget:
Part 1: Basic lenses
Part 2: Batteries, memo…more...
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