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Nino Film Blog | March 14, 2025

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200,000 hits celebration! Get a free DVD of “Every Step You Take”

200,000 hits celebration! Get a free DVD of “Every Step You Take”
Nino Leitner

It’s incredible. After only 5 months in operation, my blog counter (at the very bottom of every page) will hit 200,000 visits tomorrow.

It has become something much larger than I anticipated at the beginning. Writing a blog is a lot of work, but you – the readers – keep me motivated. It might sound like a cliché but it’s true: when you share your knowledge and experiences you get back so much more. I get asked a lot of questions via email, and I try to answer them all as good as I can. Some people write to me just to tell me how much the information on my blog has helped them in their filmmaking endeavors. That is the fuel that keeps me going.

So what can you expect in the future from this blog? I promise you, there’s lots of good stuff coming along. Camera accessory manufacturers and dealers have become increasingly aware of the increased interest in my site and suddenly, everybody seems to be very willing to send me stuff for review 🙂 – which is great news for you guys, because I will be able to test a lot more in the future as I don’t have to buy the stuff anymore, but I get it on loan for the reviews.

In general, I will try to post more from now on. I’ll give you more insights and more behind-the-scenes glimpses at my productions and assignments, as often as I am allowed to.

As a little “thank you” I will send a free DVD of my documentary EVERY STEP YOU TAKE to my 200.000th visitor (or the one closest to it). I need a screenshot of the counter (you can find it at the very bottom of every page), the exact time of the access, IP address and the used browser of this visitor to verify the claim. (So please don’t try to photoshop something.) So if you don’t hit the page when the counter shows 200.000 exactly, don’t worry and send me he screenshot and your data anyway – the one closest to 200.000 will get the DVD.

I wrote, directed and shot EVERY STEP YOU TAKE several years ago. It digs deep into the reasons behind the massive amount of video surveillance in Britain, the most surveilled country on earth. It was quite a festival success – screening at 14 international film festivals from Brazil to the US, Britain and lots of other countries.Check out the official website www.EveryStepYouTake.org for lots of more information.

Here’s the trailer:

It is also available at Amazon (or via the official website directly from me):


UPDATE: Congratulations to Martin Jablonski, my 200.000th visitor!

Martin managed to get the magical 200.000th hit on my blog (I validated his claim by comparing his IP to the log), congratulations! The DVD will be posted today. Follow Martin on Twitter, you can find him at @martinjablonski.

As you can see below, Martin accessed my blog from the “Office of the President” at the University of California. I feel honored, Mr. President! 😉


  1. For me it’s amazing to see how much attention one can get from the right internet marketing and social media.
    I gotta learn a lot from that.

    Keep up the good work.


  2. Guido


    Good writing that gets updated regularly will always attract interest. Well deserved milestone and you may well hit one million in a year or so, once more people realise how great these cameras are. Philip Bloom has at least 400 visitors on his blog at any given time…you may well be on the way to that as well. Keep it up!



  3. Good job so far! keep up the good work! 🙂

  4. I know I speak for most of your readers when I say that your blog has really expanded my knowledge on DSLR equipment, just can’t help myself from checking every day for new topics.

    The way you write is very captivating, and it just keeps us glued fro the beginning to the end of your articles.

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